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Do u think men should work and woman stay at home?

Admin kelz
Admin frilly stace
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Do u think men should work and woman stay at home? Empty Do u think men should work and woman stay at home?

Post  Admin frilly stace Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:55 am

Right do u think woman should stay at home or work and there partners stay at home?

I think it dont really matter ive had enough know and need a job sick of bein at home.But can i fuckers find 1
Admin frilly stace
Admin frilly stace

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Do u think men should work and woman stay at home? Empty Re: Do u think men should work and woman stay at home?

Post  Admin kelz Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:51 pm

i think that both men and women shud work

Admin kelz

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Do u think men should work and woman stay at home? Empty Re: Do u think men should work and woman stay at home?

Post  Admin Luna Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:53 pm

Admin kelz wrote:i think that both men and women shud work

Agreed kelz
Admin Luna
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Do u think men should work and woman stay at home? Empty Re: Do u think men should work and woman stay at home?

Post  Luchia Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:58 pm

Both should work, although Men need to learn how to "work" in the house, always good to see them in aprons and attached to a bungie cord from the kitchen sink. Well turnaround is fair play. Twisted Evil


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Do u think men should work and woman stay at home? Empty Re: Do u think men should work and woman stay at home?

Post  Chojin Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:28 pm

I wouldn't mind staying at home doing housework all day, I'll get to listen to music all I want, I'd get chance to work on my writing. Obviously I would either get myself a part time job, or even sort myself out some courses so I'm not tempted to be lazy all day.


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Do u think men should work and woman stay at home? Empty Re: Do u think men should work and woman stay at home?

Post  Ivyleaf Mon Jul 14, 2008 12:44 am

Years ago it was traditional that the man earned the money and the woman ran the house. But unfortunately today, the cost of living being so high and salaries overall being so low means that both partners NEED to work. They don't really have a choice anymore if they want a decent standard of living and peace of mind knowing they have enough money coming in to pay the bills.

Despite women supposedly being regarded as 'equal' in the workplace, they are not. Women's salaries are still considerably lower than mens. It is still a man's world out there when it comes to promotion and salary levels.

There still exists a small percentage of men who insist it's a woman's 'place' to stay at home and expect to be waited on hand and foot and treat their partner like an unpaid skivvy insisting THEY are providing a roof over their head and food in their belly etc. Not a healthy relationship!

However, I do feel that it is a woman's right to expect her partner be financially able to take care of her and provide a home when it comes to having children. This the time when the man needs to provide stability, security and care for his family as underage school children need a mother at home.

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Do u think men should work and woman stay at home? Empty Re: Do u think men should work and woman stay at home?

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